At the risk of repeating some of what was said in my first blog about the chakras, it is important to remember that the chakras (pronounced CHAR-kras) are energy. They occur wherever two or more energy channels intersect. As there
The Sun & Moon – the 7th and 8th chakras
“She’s wrong! She’s gone whacko!” I hear you utter through gritted teeth, “What’s this mention of an EIGHTH chakra?” You could well be right that I’ve gone whacko, but I am right about the existence of EIGHT, not seven chakras.
Ajna – open your eye
The sixth chakra (after Mooladhara, Svadhistana, Manipura, Anaharta, & Vishuddhi) is the Third Eye, called AJNA. The pronunciation of this chakra is difficult for most native English speakers; it is pronounced something like “ARG-nya”. Do you ever experience ‘deja vu’