In June of this year, our dear teacher departed this life. What a loss for the world. What a loss for the yoga community. What a loss for me. Within the broader yoga community, a person who studies, practices and
My favourite colour? Geru.
Like most people (presumably), I go through times when, for no apparent reason, I just feel “down”. This happened earlier this year. I don’t think anyone noticed, but I just felt as if my life was out of kilter, that
Farewelling an Australian Rishi
There was some sadness for me at Christmas – even apart from my usual sadness of so many animals being slaughtered to go onto celebratory plates. Dr. Rishi Vivekananda died a few days before Christmas. Vivek, as he was affectionately
How to keep your resolve
Well, what on earth has New Year Resolutions to do with yoga? It turns out – quite a bit! On a broad level of understanding of yoga, we have its very foundations, the practice of which is designed to strengthen
New Year’s Resolutions
To lose weight? To become fitter? To start those foreign language classes you’ve been promising yourself? To take that trip you’ve always wanted? To learn to relax? Whatever your New Year’s resolution – have you started yet? What positive steps
Things happen in threes, so people say – so on the 11tn of November, we held a special yoga class with triple the purpose! The centenary of the signing of the Armistice at the 11th hour on the 11th day on the
What do ballroom dancers have in common with soldiers?
Have you noticed, when watching the Anzac parades, the difference between the way the soldiers and ex-soldiers march, compared with the non-soldiers? Or maybe you have watched a ballroom dancing competition, or seen either “Shall We Dance” (with Richard Gere)
Chakra ramblings
At the risk of repeating some of what was said in my first blog about the chakras, it is important to remember that the chakras (pronounced CHAR-kras) are energy. They occur wherever two or more energy channels intersect. As there