Yoga – or at least classical yoga – is built on ten principles – the five yamas and five niyamas that comprise the first and second stages or “limbs” of Patanjali’s eight limbs of yoga. The ancient Indian sage, Patanjali,
Breath is life
We all know that we can go without food for several weeks; we can go without water for several days, but most of us can’t even go a minute without breathing. So, in a very real sense, breath is life.
Meditation for well-being
Meditation is central to yoga, as it improves the well-being of your body, mind and life. My favourite Swami told of the time that a neighbour asked her, “You teach exercises, don’t you?” Swami was most indignant and replied, “No,
Why am I doing Yoga, instead of the gym?
A few days ago I went for a late afternoon walk on the beach with my two dogs. As I reached the car-park at the end of our walk, I was drawn over to the grassy area by the voice