The Dalai Lama maintains that everybody wants happiness and peace. I believe that whatever your version of peace and happiness is, yoga can help you get there. After all, yoga’s aim is to bring about peace of mind, and according
Aparigraha – letting go
The most common meaning for APARIGRAHA is “non-possessiveness”. Other popular interpretations are “non-grasping” and “non-greediness”, or “greedlessness”. These definitions are generally thought of in relation to material things; however, aparigraha is much deeper than that. Aparigraha – the fifth and
Asteya – living without stealing
Continuing with our little investigation into Patanjali’s “Yamas” and “Niyamas”, we come now to ASTEYA, non-stealing and non-cheating. This third yama follows on from the theme of “truthfulness” in the previous yama, Satya. “Stealing” means to take something from somebody
Satya – developing truthfulness
The yamas and niyamas constitute the first and second limbs of the ancient Indian sage, Patanjali’s, eight limbs of yoga. I said in the previous blog, Ahimsa, that people generally think of the “yamas” as social codes of conduct and